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A version is an eye movement involving both eyes moving synchronously and symmetrically in the same direction.[1]

  1. Dextroversion / right gaze
  2. Laevoversion / left gaze
  3. Sursumversion / elevation / up gaze
  4. Deorsumversion / depression / down gaze
  5. Dextroelevation / gaze up and right
  6. Dextrodepression / gaze down and right
  7. Laevoelevation / gaze up and left
  8. Laevodepression / gaze down and left
  9. Dextrocycloversion - top of the eye rotates to the right
  10. Laevocycloversion - top of the eye rotates to the left


  1. Kanski, JJ. Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach. Boston:Butterworth-Heinemann;1989.

See also[]

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