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Social Processes: Methodology · Types of test

Q Methodology is a research method used in psychology and other social sciences to study people's "subjectivity" -- that is, their viewpoint. Q was developed by psychologist William Stephenson. It has been used both in clinical settings for assessing patients, as well as in research settings to examine how people think about a topic.

The name "Q" comes from the form of factor analysis that is used to analyze the data. Normal factor analysis, called "R method," involves finding correlations between variables (say, height and age) across a sample of subjects. Q, on the other hand, looks for correlations between subjects across a sample of variables. Q factor analysis reduces the many individual viewpoints of the subjects down to a few "factors," which represent shared ways of thinking. It is sometimes said that Q factor analysis is R factor analysis with the data table turned sideways. While helpful as a heuristic for understanding Q, this explanation may be misleading, as most Q methodologists argue that for mathematical reasons no one data matrix would be suitable for analysis with both Q and R.

The data for Q factor analysis comes from a series of "Q sorts" performed by one or more subjects. A Q sort is a ranking of variables -- typically presented as statements printed on small cards -- according to some "condition of instruction." For example, in a Q study of people's views of George W. Bush, a subject might be given statements like "He is a deeply religious man" and "He is a liar," and asked to sort them "from most like how I think about George W. Bush, to least like how I think about George W. Bush." The use of ranking, rather than asking subjects to rate their agreement with statements individually, is meant to capture the idea that people think about ideas in relation to other ideas, rather than in isolation.

The sample of statements for a Q sort is drawn from a "concourse" -- the sum of all things people say or think about the issue being investigated. Since concourses do not have clear membership lists (as would be the case in the population of subjects), statements cannot be drawn randomly. Commonly Q methodologists use a structured sampling approach in order to ensure that they include the full breadth of the concourse.

One salient difference between Q and other social science research methodologies, such as surveys, is that it typically uses many fewer subjects. This can be a strength, as Q is sometimes used with a single subject. In such cases, a person will rank the same set of statements under different conditions of instruction. For example, someone might be given a set of statements about personality traits and then asked to rank them according to how well they describe herself, her ideal self, her father, her mother, etc.

In studies of intelligence, Q factor analysis can generate Consensus based assessment (CBA) scores as direct measures. Alternatively, the unit of measurement of a person in this context is his factor loading for a Q-sort he or she performs. Factors represent norms with respect to schemata. The individual who gains the highest factor loading on an Operant factor is the person most able to conceive the norm for the factor. What the norm means is a matter , always, for conjecture and refutation (Popper). It may be indicative of the wisest solution, or the most responsible, the most important, or an optimized-balanced solution. These are all matters for future determination.

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  • Adams, R. C. (1983). An evaluation of research replication and market segmentation with Q method: Operant Subjectivity Vol 6(4) Jul 1983, 126-139.
  • Aguilar, M. L., Kaiser, R. T., Murray, C. B., & Ozer, D. J. (1998). Validation of an adjective Q-Sort as a measure of the Big Five personality structure: Journal of Black Psychology Vol 24(2) May 1998, 145-163.
  • Albani, C., Blaser, G., Jacobs, U., Jones, E., Thoma, H., & Kachele, H. (2002). Amalia X's psychoanalytic therapy in the light of Jones' Psychotherapy Process Q-Sort. Philadelphia, PA: Whurr Publishers.
  • Alberts, K. S. (1999). Diagnosing decision making groups: Testing the general group dynamics self-administered Q-sort (GDS) using faculty and administrative groups from Oberlin College. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Alberts, K. S., & Ankenmann, B. (2001). Simulating Pearson's and Spearman's correlations in Q-sorts using Excel: Social Science Computer Review Vol 19(2) Sum 2001, 221-226.
  • Allcorn, S. F. (1989). An inquiry into the unconscious aspects of roles, role expectations and role performance in institutions of higher learning: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Anandarajan, M., Paravastu, N., & Simmers, C. A. (2006). Perceptions of Personal Web Usage in the Workplace: A Q-Methodology Approach: CyberPsychology & Behavior Vol 9(3) Jun 2006, 325-335.
  • Arnio, R. H. (1980). WISC-R profile patterns of learning disabled children: A Q-analysis: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Ascher, W. (1987). Subjectivity and the policy sciences: Operant Subjectivity Vol 10(3) Apr 1987, 73-80.
  • Asendorpf, J. B., & van Aken, M. A. (1999). Resilient, overcontrolled, and undercontroleed personality prototypes in childhood: Replicability, predictive power, and the trait-type issue: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Vol 77(4) Oct 1999, 815-832.
  • Bambery, M., Porcerelli, J. H., & Ablon, J. S. (2007). Measuring psychotherapy process with the Adolescent Psychotherapy Q-set (APQ): Development and applications for training: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training Vol 44(4) Dec 2007, 405-422.
  • Barchak, L. J. (1984). Discovering communication paradigms with Q methodology: Ferment or sour grapes? : Operant Subjectivity Vol 7(4) Jul 1984, 115-130.
  • Bengston, P. L., & Grotevant, H. D. (1999). The individuality and connectedness Q-sort: A measure for assessing individuality and connectedness in dyadic relationships: Personal Relationships Vol 6(2) Jun 1999, 213-225.
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  • Bracken, S. S., & Fischel, J. E. (2006). Assessment of preschool classroom practices: Application of Q-sort methodology: Early Childhood Research Quarterly Vol 21(4) 2006, 417-430.
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  • Buckley, M. E., Klein, D. N., Durbin, C. E., Hayden, E. P., & Moerk, K. C. (2002). Development and validation of a q-sort procedure to assess temperament and behavior in preschool-age children: Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Vol 31(4) Dec 2002, 525-539.
  • Burger, G. K., & Rimoldi, H. J. A. (1997). Using person factors to determine variable factors: An application with the MMPI: Interdisciplinaria Revista de Psicologia y Ciencias Afines Vol 14(1-2) 1997, 81-91.
  • Burns, E., & Jenkins, E. (1975). Stability of Q-sorts in assessing descriptions of hyperactivity: Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 40(3) Jun 1975, 694.
  • Busch-Rossnagel, N. A., Fracasso, M. P., & Vargas, M. (1994). Reliability and validity of a Q-sort measure of attachment security in Hispanic infants: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences Vol 16(3) Aug 1994, 240-254.
  • Caldwell, D. F., & O'Reilly, C. A. (1990). Measuring person-job fit with a profile-comparison process: Journal of Applied Psychology Vol 75(6) Dec 1990, 648-657.
  • Calvin, A. D. (1955). "An adjustment score for Q-sorts": Comment: Journal of Counseling Psychology Vol 2(2) Sum 1955, 154.
  • Carlson, J. M., & Williams, T. (1993). Perspectives on the seriousness of crimes: Social Science Research Vol 22(2) Jun 1993, 190-207.
  • Carr, S. C. (1992). A primer on the use of Q-technique factor analysis: Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development Vol 25(3) Oct 1992, 133-138.
  • Caspi, A., Block, J., Block, J. H., Klopp, B., & et al. (1993). A "common-language" version of the California Child Q-Set for Personality Assessment: Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry & Child Development 1993, 123-149.
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  • Cassibba, R., Van Ijzendoorn, M. H., & D'Odorico, L. (2000). Attachment and play in child care centres: Reliability and validity of the Attachment Q-sort for mothers and professional caregivers in Italy: International Journal of Behavioral Development Vol 24(2) Jun 2000, 241-255.
  • Chatterji, S., & Mukerjee, M. (1986). Isolation of profile pattern of successful individuals using cluster analysis and Q-technique: Japanese Psychological Research Vol 28(4) 1986, 161-167.
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  • Comunian, A. L. (1996). The relation between observed and perceived family structures: An integrative model: Psychological Reports Vol 78(1) Feb 1996, 67-75.
  • Coogan, J., Dancey, C. P., & Attree, E. A. (2006). WebCT: A useful support tool for psychology undergraduates - a Q methodological study: Psychology Learning & Teaching Vol 5(1) 2006, 61-66.
  • Cottle, C. E., & McKeown, B. (1980). The forced-free distinction in Q technique: A note on unused categories in the Q sort continuum: Operant Subjectivity Vol 3(2) Jan 1980, 58-63.
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External links[]

  • Q Methodology page Includes more information on Q, including tutorials, as well as free software for conducting a Q factor analysis.
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