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Movement therapy is the use of bodily movement used to improve mental and physical health.

Types of movement therapy include:

Mechanism of action[]

See also[]


  • Amighi, J. K., Loman, S., Lewis, P., & Sossin, K. M. (1999). The meaning of movement: Developmental and clinical perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Gordon and Breach Publishers.
  • Appel, C., & Fraenkel, D. (2004). Editorial: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 26(1) Spr 2004, 3-4.
  • Appel, C., & Welsh, D. (2006). Co-Editors' Report: The Rhythm of Entrepreneurship--The Art of Getting Out in the World: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 28(1) Jun 2006, 41-44.
  • Appel, C., & Welsh, D. (2006). Editorial: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 28(2) Oct 2006, 57-58.
  • Baars, M. (1996). Making the present come alive. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Bacon, J. (2007). Psyche moving: "Active imagination" and "focusing" in movement-based performance and psychotherapy: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Vol 2(1) Mar 2007, 17-28.
  • Batson, G., & Deutsch, J. E. (2005). Effects of Feldenkrais awareness through movement on balance in adults with chronic neurological deficits following stroke: A preliminary study: Complementary Health Practice Review Vol 10(3) Oct 2005, 203-210.
  • Baum, R. (2007). Looking backward, dancing forward: A student's encounter with the practice of dance movement therapy: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 34(3) 2007, 249-255.
  • Behrman, A. L. (1996). Analysis of the movement initiation problem in Parkinson's disease: Practice as an intervention. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Ben-Asher, S., Koren, B., Tropea, E. B., & Fraenkel, D. (2002). Case Study of a Five Year-Old Israeli Girl in Movement Therapy with Case Discussion: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 24(1) 2002, 27-43.
  • Berrol, C. F. (2004). The Expanding Options of Experimental Research Design in Dance/Movement Therapy. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Berrol, C. F. (2004). How to Mix Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in a Dance/Movement Therapy Research Project. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Berrol, C. F. (2006). Neuroscience meets dance/movement therapy: Mirror neurons, the therapeutic process and empathy: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 33(4) 2006, 302-315.
  • Berrol, C. F. (2006). Review of An Introduction to Medical Dance/Movement Therapy: Health Care in Motion: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 33(2) 2006, 153-155.
  • Berrol, C. F., & Cruz, R. F. (2004). Different Conceptualizations of Research: A Reader's Guide to This Text. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Berrol, C. F., Ooi, W. L., & Katz, S. S. (1997). Dance/movement therapy with older adults who have sustained neurological insult: A demonstration project: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 19(2) Fal-Win 1997, 135-160.
  • Bertolaso, Y. (2004). Floor design in dance and dance therapy. Expressiveness, message, and energetical-structuring effects and potential: Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie Vol 15(4) 2004, 167-184.
  • Best, P. A. (2000). Theoretical diversity and clinical collaboration: Reflections by a dance/movement therapist: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 27(3) 2000, 197-211.
  • Bojner-Horwitz, E., Theorell, T., & Anderberg, U. M. (2003). Dance/movement therapy and changes in stress-related hormones: A study of fibromyalgia patients with video-interpretation: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 30(5) 2003, 255-264.
  • Bonenfant, Y. (2006). The embodied politics of intention, therapeutic intervention and artistic practice: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Vol 1(2) Sep 2006, 115-127.
  • Bosak, C. K., & Jack, M. (2006). Results of dance therapy and dynamic movement meditation with patients in a psychotherapeutic inpatient setting: Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie Vol 17(3) 2006, 136-145.
  • Bowman, M. H., Taub, E., Uswatte, G., Delgado, A., Bryson, C., Morris, D. M., et al. (2006). A treatment for a chronic stroke patient with a plegic hand combining CI therapy with conventional rehabilitation procedures: Case report: NeuroRehabilitation Vol 21(2) 2006, 167-176.
  • Bradley, K. K. (2006). Crossing the Boundaries: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 28(1) Jun 2006, 45-48.
  • Brauninger, I. (2006). Review of Dance/movement therapists in action. A working guide to research options: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Vol 1(1) Mar 2006, 86-88.
  • Brauninger, I. (2006). Treatment modalities and self-expectancy of therapists: Modes, self-efficacy and imagination of clients in dance movement therapy: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Vol 1(2) Sep 2006, 95-114.
  • Broach, E., & Dattilo, J. (2001). Effects of aquatic therapy on adults with multiple sclerosis: Therapeutic Recreation Journal Vol 35(2) 2001, 141-154.
  • Broocks, A., Meyer, T. F., George, A., Pekrun, G., Hillmer-Vogel, U., Hajak, G., et al. (1997). The role of exercise in the treatment of psychiatric disorders: Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie Vol 47(11) Nov 1997, 379-393.
  • Burrill, R. R. (2001). The effects of teaching/learning environments on the creative process of learning evidenced through a movement analysis tool: The Kestenberg Movement Profile. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Bush, D. H. (1998). Creativity in real-world engineering concept design. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Caf, B., Kroflic, B., & Tancig, S. (1997). Activation of hypoactive children with creative movement and dance in primary school: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 24(4) 1997, 355-365.
  • Caldwell, C. (2004). American Dance Therapy Association 38-super(th) Annual Conference Keynote Address: The Power of Stillness, the Glory of Motion: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 26(1) Spr 2004, 9-15.
  • Callaghan, K. (1996). Torture--The body in conflict: The role of movement psychotherapy. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Capello, P. P. (2006). Training Dance/Movement Therapists: The International Challenge: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 28(1) Jun 2006, 31-40.
  • Cattaneo, D., & Cardini, R. (2001). Computerized system to improve voluntary control of balance in neurological patients: CyberPsychology & Behavior Vol 4(6) Dec 2001, 687-695.
  • Charles, J., & Gordon, A. M. (2005). Critical review of constraint-induced movement therapy and forced use in children with hemiplegia: Neural Plasticity Vol 12 (2-3) 2005, 245-261.
  • Charles, J. R., Wolf, S. L., Schneider, J. A., & Gordon, A. M. (2006). Efficacy of a child-friendly form of constraint-induced movement therapy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A randomized control trial: Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Vol 48(8) Aug 2006, 635-642.
  • Chen, K.-M., Hsu, Y.-C., Chen, W.-T., & Tseng, H.-F. (2007). Well-being of institutionalized elders after Yang-style Tai Chi practice: Journal of Clinical Nursing Vol 16(5) May 2007, 845-852.
  • Cho, Y. W., Jang, S. H., Lee, Z. I., Song, J. C., Lee, H. K., & Lee, H. Y. (2005). Effect and appropriate restriction period of constraint-induced movement therapy in hemiparetic patients with brain injury: A brief report: NeuroRehabilitation Vol 20(2) 2005, 71-74.
  • Christie, D., Hood, D., & Griffin, A. (2006). Thinking, Feeling and Moving: Drama and Movement Therapy as an Adjunct to a Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Approach for Chronic Pain in Two Adolescent Girls: Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Vol 11(4) Oct 2006, 569-577.
  • Cooper, D. (1996). Beginning with the body. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Cruz, R. F. (2004). What Is Evaluation Research? Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Cruz, R. F., & Berrol, C. F. (2004). Dance/movement therapists in action: A working guide to research options. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Cruz, R. F., & Berrol, C. F. (2004). What Does Research Have to Do with It? Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Cruz, R. F., & Koch, S. C. (2004). Issues of Validity and Reliability in the Use of Movement Observations and Scales. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Cruz, R. F., & Sabers, D. L. (1998). Dance/movement therapy is more effective than previously reported: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 25(2) 1998, 101-104.
  • Dadkhah, A. (1998). The effects of dohsa-hou on body consciousness in disabled sportsmen: Japanese Psychological Research Vol 40(3) Sep 1998, 134-143.
  • Dalenberg, C. J. (1995). Art and Movement as Aids in Treatment and Diagnosis: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 40 (6), Jun, 1995.
  • Davis, M., & Markus, K. A. (2006). Misleading Cues, Misplaced Confidence: An Analysis of Deception Detection Patterns: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 28(2) Oct 2006, 107-126.
  • Dayanim, S., Goodill, S. W., & Lewis, C. (2006). The Moving Story Effort Assessment as a Means for the Movement Assessment of Preadolescent Children: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 28(2) Oct 2006, 87-106.
  • de Tommasi, V. (1999). Dance-movement-therapy (DMT) and eating disorders: A possible method of approach: Psicoterapia e Istituzioni: Review of Psychoanalytical Methodological Research and Clinical Experiences Vol 6(1-2) 1999, 129-145.
  • de Winter, B., & Drozdek, B. (2004). Psychomotor Therapy: Healing by Action. New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge.
  • Deboer, D. P. (2006). The exploratory use of partner dancing as an adjunct to couples counseling. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Dekker, K. (1996). Why oblique and why Jung? London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Deluca, S. C. (2002). Intensive movement therapy with casting for children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled crossover trial. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • DeMatteo, C., Bain, J. R., Galea, V., & Gjertsen, D. (2006). Botulinum toxin as an adjunct to motor learning therapy and surgery for obstetrical brachial plexus injury: Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Vol 48(4) Apr 2006, 245-252.
  • Dennis, R. J. (1999). Functional reach improvement in normal older women after Alexander Technique instruction: Journals of Gerontology: Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Vol 54A(1) Jan 1999, M8-M11.
  • DePauw, K. P., & Doll-Tepper, G. (2000). Toward progressive inclusion and acceptance: Myth or reality? The inclusion debate and bandwagon discourse: Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly Vol 17(2) Apr 2000, 135-143.
  • Dosamantes-Beaudry, I. (1999). Divergent cultural self construals: Implications for the practice of dance/movement therapy: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 26(4) 1999, 225-231.
  • Dosamantes-Beaudry, I. (1999). A psychoanalytically informed application of dance/movement therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Driver, S., Rees, K., O'Connor, J., & Lox, C. (2006). Aquatics, health-promoting self-care behaviours and adults with brain injuries: Brain Injury Vol 20(2) Feb 2006, 133-141.
  • Dulicai, D. (2005). Marian Chace Foundation Annual Lecture: October 2004 In Honor of the Spirit of Continuity: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 27(1) Mar 2005, 5-22.
  • Dulicai, D., & Berger, M. R. (2005). Global dance/movement therapy growth and development: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 32(3) 2005, 205-216.
  • Dulicai, D., & Hill, E. S. (2007). Expressive movement. New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media.
  • Eliasson, A.-C., Bonnier, B., & Krumlinde-Sundholm, L. (2003). Clinical experience of constraint induced movement therapy in adolescents with hemiplegic cerebral palsy--a day camp model: Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Vol 45(5) May 2003, 357-358.
  • Ellis, R. (2001). Movement metaphor as mediator: A model for the dance/movement therapy process: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 28(3) 2001, 181-190.
  • Erfer, T., & Ziv, A. (2006). Moving toward cohesion: Group dance/movement therapy with children in psychiatry: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 33(3) 2006, 238-246.
  • Erwin-Grabner, T., Goodill, S. W., Hill, E. S., & Von Neida, K. (1999). Effectiveness of dance/movement therapy on reducing test anxiety: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 21(1) Spr-Sum 1999, 19-34.
  • Fallis, C. H. (2002). In the dancing is the stillness: An inquiry into the nature and meaning of spiritual experiences that occur during movement therapy. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Farber, K. (2001). When bodies matter: Teaching adolescents about community, critical consciousness, and identity through movement. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Farr, M. (1997). The role of dance/movement therapy in treating at-risk African American adolescents: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 24(2) 1997, 183-191.
  • Finney, N. J. (2002). Spirit spinning: An exploration of the healing potential of cosmic dance and its relationship to the vortex as a symbol of generativity. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Flinn, N. A. (2003). Development of automaticity during treatment of motor deficits in stroke survivors. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Forinash, M. (2004). Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis: Interviews, Observations, and Content Analysis. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Frank, Z. (1997). Dance and expressive movement therapy: An effective treatment for a sexually abused man: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 19(1) Spr-Sum 1997, 45-61.
  • Frego, R. J. D. (1995). Music movement therapy for people with AIDS: The use of music movement therapy as a form of palliative care for people with AIDS: International Journal of Arts Medicine Vol 4(2) Fal 1995, 21-25.
  • Geraets, J. J. X. R., Goossens, M. E. J. B., van Haastregt, J. C. M., de Groot, I. J. M., de Bruijn, C. P. C., de Bie, R. A., et al. (2006). Implications of process evaluation for clinical effectiveness and clinical practice in a trial on chronic shoulder complaints: Patient Education and Counseling Vol 61(1) Apr 2006, 117-125.
  • Gillot, A. J., Holder-Walls, A., Kurtz, J. R., & Varley, N. C. (2003). Perceptions and Experiences of Two Survivors of Stroke Who Participated in Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Home Programs: American Journal of Occupational Therapy Vol 57(2) Mar-Apr 2003, 168-176.
  • Goldberg, S. P. (1998). An exploration of an occupational therapy treatment program of movement skills and body image in anorectic patients. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Goodill, S. W. (2003). An introduction to medical dance/movement therapy. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Goodill, S. W. (2005). An introduction to medical dance/movement therapy: Health care in motion. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Goodill, S. W., & Cruz, R. F. (2004). Single-Subject Designs in Clinical Dance/Movement Therapy Research. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Goodill, S. W., & Morningstar, D. M. (1993). The role of dance/movement therapy with medically involved children: International Journal of Arts Medicine Vol 2(2) Fal 1993, 24-27.
  • Gorden-Cohen, N. (1987). Vietnam and reality: The story of Mr. D: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 10 1987, 95-109.
  • Gordon-Cohen, N. (1987). Vietnam and reality--The story of Mr. D: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 10 1987, 95-109.
  • Gottschalk, G., & Boekholt, C. (2004). Body-therapeutic work with borderline patients: PTT: Personlichkeitsstorungen Theorie und Therapie Vol 8(3) Sep 2004, 154-160.
  • Gray, A. E. L. (2001). The body remembers: Dance/movement therapy with an adult survivor of torture: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 23(1) Spr-Sum 2001, 29-43.
  • Green, J. (2004). Postpositivist Inquiry: Multiple Perspectives and Paradigms. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Groene, R., II, Zapchenk, S., Marble, G., & Kantar, S. (1998). The effect of therapist and activity characteristics on the purposeful responses of probable Alzheimer's disease participants: Journal of Music Therapy Vol 35(2) Sum 1998, 119-136.
  • Gullickson, T., & Ramser, P. (1994). An Introduction to Dance Movement Therapy in Psychiatry; and Dance Movement Therapy: Theory and Practice: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 39 (1), Jan, 1994.
  • Hadar, B. (2001). The therapeutic approach to the body in psychoanalysis and its relation to movement therapy and bioenergetic analysis: Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis & Dynamic Psychiatry Vol 29(3) Dec 2001, 483-490.
  • Hadar-Harash, B. (1997). The treatment approach to the body: Between psychoanalysis, movement therapy and bioenergetics: I: Sihot/Dialogue: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy Vol 11(2) Mar 1997, 125-131.
  • Hadar-Harash, B. (1997). The treatment approach to the body: Between psychoanalysis, movement therapy and bioenergetics: II: Sihot/Dialogue: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy Vol 11(3) Jun 1997, 206-213.
  • Hamsen, R., Beudels, W., & Holter, G. (2004). Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood. Towards the development of movement-oriented interventions: Zeitschrift fur Sportpsychologie Vol 11(3) 2004, 91-102.
  • Hanna, J. L. (2004). Applying Anthropological Methods in Dance/Movement Therapy Research. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Hanson, N., Gfeller, K., Woodworth, G., Swanson, E. A., & et al. (1996). A comparison of the effectiveness of differing types and difficulty of music activities in programming for older adults with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders: Journal of Music Therapy Vol 33(2) Sum 1996, 93-123.
  • Harris, D. A. (2007). Pathways to embodied empathy and reconciliation after atrocity: Former boy soldiers in a dance/movement therapy group in Sierra Leone: Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work & Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict Vol 5(3) Nov 2007, 203-231.
  • Hart, H. (2005). Can constraint therapy be developmentally appropriate and child-friendly? : Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Vol 47(6) Jun 2005, 363.
  • Hartshorn, K., Olds, L., Field, T., Delage, J., Cullen, C., & Escalona, A. (2001). Creative movement therapy benefits children with autism: Early Child Development and Care Vol 166 2001, 1-5.
  • Hays, K. F. (1999). Being fit: Ethical issues relevant to exercise and therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Hays, K. F. (1999). The next steps: Education, training, and marketing. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Hays, K. F. (1999). Pacing oneself: Exercise and substance abuse recovery. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Hays, K. F. (1999). The process of change. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Hays, K. F. (1999). Theory and practice in the therapeutics of exercise. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Haythorne, D., & Cedar, L. (1996). The story of Roundabout: Creation of a group practice. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Heller, M. C. (2007). The golden age of body psychotherapy in Oslo I: From gymnastics to psychoanalysis: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Vol 2(1) Mar 2007, 5-15.
  • Hervey, L., & Kornblum, R. (2006). An evaluation of Kornblum's body-based violence prevention curriculum for children: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 33(2) 2006, 113-129.
  • Hervey, L. W. (2000). Artistic inquiry in dance/movement therapy. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Hervey, L. W. (2004). Artistic Inquiry in Dance/Movement Therapy. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
  • Higgens, L. (2001). On the value of conducting dance/movement therapy research: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 28(3) 2001, 191-195.
  • Ho, R. T. H. (2005). Effects of dance movement therapy on Chinese cancer patients: A pilot study in Hong Kong: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 32(5) 2005, 337-345.
  • Hokkanen, L., Rantala, L., Remes, A. M., Harkonen, B., Viramo, P., & Winblad, I. (2003). Dance/movement therapeutic methods in management of dementia: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Vol 51(4) Apr 2003, 576-577.
  • Holden, S. (1986). Review of Dance-Movement Therapy, Mirror of Ourselves. The Psychoanalytic Approach: Group Analysis Vol 19(1) Mar 1986, 91-93.
  • Hopman-Rock, M., Staats, P. G. M., Tak, E. C. P. M., & Droes, R.-M. (1999). The effects of psychomotor activation programme for use in groups of cognitively impaired people in homes for the elderly: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Vol 14(8) Aug 1999, 633-642.
  • Hormann, K. (2006). Movement traces as means of evaluation of music therapy: Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie Vol 17(3) 2006, 146-155.
  • Horwitz, E. B., Kowalski, J., Theorell, T., & Anderberg, U. M. (2006). Dance/movement therapy in fibromyalgia patients: Changes in self-figure drawings and their relation to verbal self-rating scales: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 33(1) 2006, 11-25.
  • Horwitz, E. B., Theorell, T., & Anderberg, U. M. (2004). New technique for assessment of self-perception in fibromyalgia patients: A pilot study with video-interpretation: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 31(3) 2004, 153-164.
  • James, J. (1996). Poetry in motion: Drama and movement therapy with people with learning disabilities. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Jensen, S. M. (1997). Multiple pathways to self: A multisensory art experience: Art Therapy Vol 14(3) 1997, 178-186.
  • Jeong, Y.-J., Hong, S.-C., Lee, M. S., Park, M.-C., Kim, Y.-K., & Suh, C.-M. (2005). Dance movement therapy improves emotional responses and modulates neurohormones in adolescents with mild depression: International Journal of Neuroscience Vol 115(12) Dec 2005, 1711-1720.
  • Jones, M. C., Walley, R. M., Leech, A., Paterson, M., Common, S., & Metcalf, C. (2007). Behavioral and psychosocial outcomes of a 16-week rebound therapy-based exercise program for people with profound intellectual disabilities: Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities Vol 4(2) Jun 2007, 111-119.
  • Kaji, M., Miyagi, T., Ito, A., Komori, C., & Matsuo, T. (2002). Development of a Dance/Movement Therapy Program in Japan: A Case Study: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 24(1) 2002, 17-26.
  • Karcher, S. (2001). "In my fingertips I don't have a soul anymore": Body psychotherapy with survivors of torture: Insights into work with Concentrative Movement Therapy. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Karcher, S. (2004). Body Psychotherapy With Survivors of Torture. New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge.
  • Karkou, V., & Sanderson, P. (2001). Report: Theories and assessment procedures used by dance/movement therapists in the UK: The Arts in Psychotherapy Vol 28(3) 2001, 197-204.
  • Kelly, A., & Daniel, C. (1996). Beginning to work with the elderly. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Kerr, C. (2002). Translating "mind-in-body": Two models of patient experience underlying a randomized controlled trial of Qigong: Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Vol 26(4) Dec 2002, 419-447.
  • Kessler, I. C. (1998). Sounding our way to wholeness: Linking the metaphorical and physical voice in a pilot study with women using breath, voice and movement. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Kierr, S. (2007). "Sit down and be quiet!": Dance and movement therapy in an inner city elementary school after-care program: Camilleri, Vanessa A (Ed).
  • Kis Glavas, L. (1996). Effects of the rehabilitation through movement program on the undesirable ways of behaviour in children with delayed cognitive development: Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja Vol 32(2) 1996, 35-50.
  • Knox, V., & Evans, A. L. (2002). Evaluation of the functional effects of a course of Bobath therapy in children with cerebral palsy: A preliminary study: Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Vol 44(7) Jul 2002, 447-460.
  • Koch, S. C. (2007). Defenses in movement: Video-analysis of conflict patterns in group communication: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Vol 2(1) Mar 2007, 29-45.
  • Koch, S. C. (2007). Review of Arts therapies: A research based map of the field: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Vol 2(2) Sep 2007, 151-153.
  • Koch, S. C., & Brauninger, I. (2005). International Dance/Movement Therapy Research: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Findings: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 27(1) Mar 2005, 37-46.
  • Koch, S. C., & Brauninger, I. (2006). International Dance/Movement Therapy Research: Recent Findings and Perspectives: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 28(2) Oct 2006, 127-136.
  • Koch, S. C., Cruz, R. F., & Goodill, S. W. (2001). The Kestenberg Movement Profile: Performance of novice raters: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 23(2) Fal 2001, 71-87.
  • Koshland, L., & Wittaker, J. W. B. (2004). PEACE Through Dance/Movement: Evaluating a Violence Prevention Program: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 26(2) Fal 2004, 69-90.
  • Koyama, T., Sano, K., Tanaka, S., Hatanaka, T., & Domen, K. (2007). Effective targets for constraint-induced movement therapy for patients with upper-extremity impairment after stroke: NeuroRehabilitation Vol 22(4) 2007, 287-293.
  • Krantz, A. M. (1999). Growing into her body: Dance/movement therapy for women with eating disorders: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 21(2) Fal-Win 1999, 81-103.
  • Krason, K. (2003). Kinesthetic strategy of diagnosis and support to aid children's development: Early Child Development and Care Vol 173(2-3) Jun 2003, 193-205.
  • Krason, K., & Szafraniec, G. (1999). Directive and non-directive movement in child therapy: Early Child Development and Care Vol 158 1999, 31-42.
  • Kubota, N. (2001). An analysis of the therapeutic process of Dosa therapy. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • La Barre, F. (2005). The Kinetic Transference and Countertransference: Contemporary Psychoanalysis Vol 41(2) Apr 2005, 249-279.
  • Lai, S.-M., Studenski, S., Richards, L., Perera, S., Reker, D., Rigler, S., et al. (2006). Therapeutic Exercise and Depressive Symptoms After Stroke: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Vol 54(2) Feb 2006, 240-247.
  • Laumer, U., Bauer, M., Fichter, M., & Milz, H. (1997). Therapeutic effects of the Feldenkrais method (awareness through movement) in eating disorders: Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie Vol 47(5) May 1997, 170-180.
  • Leahy, D. (2004). How and Why Movement Works: A Movement Workshop for Adults with Schizophrenic Disorders: Social Work with Groups Vol 27(2-3) 2004, 113-127.
  • Lee, M. S., Kang, C.-W., Lim, H.-J., & Lee, M.-S. (2004). Effects of Qi-training on anxiety and plasma concentrations of cortisol, ACTH, and aldosterone: A randomized placebo-controlled pilot study: Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress Vol 20(5) Dec 2004, 243-248.
  • Lee, T.-C. (2004). Development of Dance Therapy in Taiwan: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 26(1) Spr 2004, 47-49.
  • Lemieux, A. (2001). Contact movement therapy for clients with eating disorders. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Lewis, P. (2003). Dancing with the Movement of the River: American Journal of Dance Therapy Vol 25(1) Spr 2003, 17-37.
  • Liepert, J. (2006). Motor Cortex Excitability in Stroke Before and After Constraint-induced Movement Therapy: Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Vol 19(1) Mar 2006, 41-47.
  • Lillie, R., & Mateer, C. A. (2006). Constraint-based Therapies as a Proposed Model for Cognitive Rehabilitation: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation Vol 21(2) Mar-Apr 2006, 119-130.
  • Lin, K. C., Wu, C. Y., Wei, T. H., Lee, C. Y., & Liu, J. S. (2007). Effects of modified constraint-induced movement therapy on reach-to-grasp movements and functional performance after chronic stroke: A randomized controlled study: Clinical Rehabilitation Vol 21(12) Dec 2007, 1075-1086.
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